A downloadable game

This project is set in an underwater environment that features a sunken ship that has been lodged in the rocks at the bed of the ocean, a coral reef, seaweed, and the Lady of the Deep’s underwater cave. The lighting of the game is set more dark in order to convey the depth at which the Lady resides, with the Sun’s rays only providing enough light to make traversing the murky waters doable. The colors reflect a cold and somber setting with ambient audio to further help exemplify this.

The murkier location under the Lady’s cave has audio that reflects it, a more awe inspiring track can be heard when approaching/adventuring around the sunken ship, and a more upbeat and wondrous sound around the brightly colored coral reef. The audio overall accurately represents the starker and isolated environment of the sea.

The Lady herself is covered in spiraling tattoos that represent the flow of the water that makes up the environment she lives in. Her movement is understood by the water that can be seen carrying her throughout her world. As she powers up (by pressing “r”) her tattoos glow and her body becomes luminescent purple from her inner energy, signifying the more royal status the Lady has among her fellow sea creatures, given her inherent abilities to control the eb and flow of water molecules. As her energy increases, the water surrounds her, allowing her to gain even more energy, which is translated in the bright cyan glow of her hair and tattoos which become so bright their glow can be seen through the water surrounding her body.

Her idles show the pulsing of her tattoos and the inner power they represent as well as the Lady playing with an orb of water representing her boredom due to her isolation from other intelligent life, at the bottom of the ocean.

 The Lady does well to avoid the uncanny valley, despite having gills, because her human body is accurately proportional and the art style strays from hyper realism but isn’t dumbed down to farfetched simplicity.

This project took A LOT of time and effort and is something I am very proud of. I hope you enjoy experiencing my creation!


Executable.zip 313 MB

Install instructions

Hit download and then click open 

Drag the entire folder to your desktop and open the folder

Double click/ open MyProject2, the application not the folder

The screen will initially be black, simply click the screen and move with the arrow keys to start exploring.

power up animation (press "r" key)


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This was a neat experience. I like the visuals and the audio, especially the song that plays by the sunken ship. Very intense

Deleted 5 years ago